Mindful Living For Health and Wellness

January 1, 2020
Mindful Living For Health and Wellness


Body & Brain Yoga believes the key to health lies within. At this stressful time, there are three things we can manage when we live mindfully: breathing, eating, and sleeping. By developing daily habits of doing these well, your lifestyle can become healthier and more stable.

Breathing occurs throughout our life. By becoming more aware of our breathing, we naturally begin to breathe more slowly and deeply. Intentional breathing can help improve circulation, refresh energy, clear the mind, calm emotions, and enhance concentration.

Eating well means bringing awareness to what and how we eat. We can notice our body’s response to food and make choices based on what our body feels, versus what we crave. We can eat for nutrition rather than from emotion or habit. When we are mindful and present, we can enjoy our food with gratitude.

Breathing and eating well can support better sleep. The key is to empty the body and mind before sleeping. Fasting for about 2 hours before sleeping and practicing breathing meditation before bedtime can help to clear the mind of concerns, thoughts, and emotions. Empty the mind and prepare yourself for more restful and peaceful sleep. Attention to daily mindfulness practices can naturally lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Body & Brain in Wyckoff, NJ provides in-person and live-stream group classes in yoga and Tai Chi to residents of Wyckoff and surrounding communities of Ridgewood, Fairlawn, and Allendale in Bergen County, New Jersey. Inquire about our individual sessions.