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You've heard the word before, and know it has something to do with yoga.
But you’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly what it means.
If you’re wondering what chakras are and how they relate to yoga, you’ve come to the right place.
Here we explain the seven chakras and how yoga is designed to keep your chakras in balance.
• What Is a Chakra? • How Are Chakras and Yoga Connected? • What Are the 7 Chakras? • What Does it Mean if a Chakra Is Blocked? • Does Yoga Open Your Chakras? • What Is Chakra Yoga? • How Can I Activate My Chakras in Yoga? • Learn More About Chakras and Yoga at Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi
The term chakra comes from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, and means “spinning wheel of energy.”
• Physical • Energy • Mental; and • Spiritual
According to some, each Chakra is made up of nadis, which means ‘flow’ or ‘motion’, and is composed of prana, which refers to “energy” or “life force.”
It is said that when three nadis meet within the body, they form a triangle known as a chakra.
Chakras and yoga complement one another well.
Yoga has many benefits, one of which is the ability to increase the amount of energy that flows through each of your chakras—directly influencing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
If you’ve been around yoga for some time, you probably know that some forms of yoga teach that there are five chakras in yoga, while some teach four to seven chakras. In the case of Korean-based holistic traditions from Body & Brain, we teach that there are seven.
1. Root 2. Sacral 3. Solar Plexus 4. Heart 5. Throat 6. Third Eye; and 7. Crown
At Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi we offer a unique blend of Yoga, Tai Chi, Breathwork, and meditation exercises at over 100+ locations nationwide.
Our trained instructors are well versed in the types of chakras in yoga and can provide 1-on-1 guidance to help you determine the exercise program that best meets your current needs.
Name in Sanskrit: Muladhara Chakra (“mula” means root; “adhara” means “foundation” or “base”) Center of: Life or Survival Element: Earth Color: Red
The Root Chakra is the first chakra of matter and is the foundation of everything you do. Think of the foundation of a house: If it is weak, the rest of the house will deteriorate right along with it.
• Eating • Sleeping • Drinking enough water • Feeling safe and secure
…all relate to the stability of your root chakra.
This chakra correlates with your childhood, as well. If your basic needs were unmet, or you didn’t freely receive love as a child, you’re more likely to experience an imbalance in your Root Chakra.
• Anxiousness • Lack of motivation and willpower • Insecurity • Fear • Low back pain • Bladder infections; and • Colon issues
Yoga poses, or “asanas”, that work the tailbone and pelvis area easily stimulate the root chakra, releasing any negative energy that may have accumulated or stagnated throughout the years.
Name in Sanskrit: Svadhisthana Chakra (“sva” means self or one’s own; “adhisthana” means established or home) Center of: Sexuality Element: Water Color: Orange
The second chakra of matter, your Sacral Chakra, is located about two inches below the navel just above the pubic bone.
• Sensuality • Creativity • Career • Relationships • Fear of abandonment • Pleasure; and • Addictions
• Low back • Hips • Pelvis • Bladder • Sex organs • Large intestines; and • Kidneys
• Low back pain • A lack of creativity; and • Difficulty in fully expressing your emotions
Yoga poses for Sacral Chakra (like hip joint releases and lower back stretches) allow the sacral area to open, so you can have the opportunity to feel and/or release any emotional energy that may be stored there.
Name in Sanskrit: Manipura Chakra (meaning “lustrous gem”) Center of: Confidence Element: Fire Color: Yellow
The third and final chakra of matter, your Solar Plexus Chakra, is located in the middle of your diaphragm, between your liver and stomach.
• Confidence • Self-esteem • Worth • Energy; and • Inner power
• Digestive system • Liver • Gallbladder • Spleen • Stomach; and • Spine
• Energetic • Confident; and • Empowered to make decisions that are in tune with your desires
• Having a decrease in self-esteem • Not feeling in tune with your gut instincts • Struggling with decision-making; or • Feeling generally “stuck”
A good way to monitor the state of your Solar Plexus Chakra is through your digestive system. Physical constipation may be connected to spiritual constipation.
The best poses for the Solar Plexus Chakra are those that stretch your stomach and strengthen your core.
In yoga, it is taught that these poses can help give you new energy by stoking your inner fire.
Name in Sanskrit: Anahata Chakra (meaning “to unhurt”) Center of: Love, compassion, and empathy Element: Air Color: Green
The Heart Chakra creates a bridge between your chakras of matter and the chakras of spirituality.
• Shoulders • Arms • Hands • Lungs • Breasts • Thymus gland • Ribs; and • Diaphragm
• Kindness • Unconditional love • Selflessness • Forgiveness • Unity; and • Acceptance
• Fear • Anger; and • Jealousy
Your heart is the place that energetically holds any past traumas you have experienced. Yoga can help you to feel these experiences in a deep way that allows them to be energetically released (or unhurt) from your body.
Poses for the Heart Chakra can release negative energy such as grudges, fear, and anger.
Heart Chakra poses are those that open the chest and shoulders, allowing you to release negative emotions.
Name in Sanskrit: Vishudda Chakra (meaning “purification”) Center of: Expression Element: Ether or Space Color: Turquoise Blue
The Throat Chakra is the first of your spiritual chakras.
• Throat • Mouth • Jaw • Neck; and • Thyroid
• Effectively communicate • Listen attentively • Understand; and • Express yourself freely
• Difficulty in communicating with confidence and clarity • Dishonesty in relationships; and • Throat conditions (such as a sore throat or strep throat)
Shoulder stretch poses and neck rotations for throat chakra can help bring balance by opening the neck and throat areas to free the tension you may be holding in your neck.
Name in Sanskrit: Ajna Chakra (meaning “beyond wisdom”) Center of: Wisdom and Intuition Element: Light Color: Indigo blue
Located between your eyes, just above your eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra is the second of the spiritual chakras and is the seat of intuition.
• Head • Lower brain • Pituitary gland; and • Eyes
• Your intuition is strong • It is easy to act on your gut instincts • Your imagination is easily accessed • You trust yourself; and • Decision-making is easier
• Headaches • Eye problems • Memory problems • Difficulty concentrating; and • Nightmares)
Third Eye Chakra poses are those that bring your head down towards the earth.
Name in Sanskrit: Sahaswara Chakra (meaning “thousandfold”) Center of: Spirituality Element: Thought Color: Violet purple
The Crown Chakra is located on the top of your head and is the center of your spirituality.
• Feel connected to universal energy of Oneness that connects all life • Have a sense of harmony with the planet; and • Have a sense of purpose
• Loss of sense of purpose • Becoming indifferent • Having lowered ethical and moral standards • Feeling depressed; and • Becoming attached to the material things of this world
Yoga postures for the Crown Chakra focus on strength, balance, and “letting go.”
They stimulate your energy as well as the blood flow to your head.
Sometimes a chakra may become blocked, or unbalanced, and have too much or too little energy. If this happens, you may display certain physical or emotional characteristics or behaviors related to that particular chakra.
• Too much physical or emotional stress • Poor posture • Negative thoughts • Unhealthy eating habits; or • Self-destructive behaviors
Blocked chakras can energetically affect your well-being.
Depending on the location of the chakra that is out of balance, areas of your body that are in proximity to that chakra may experience tension or difficulty.
• Anger • Fear • Sadness; or • Indecisiveness
The short answer? Yes.
• Yoga poses • Meditations; and • Breathing practices that encourage the flow of energy within your body
• The energy (emotional) • The physical body; and • The spiritual body
• Poses • Meditation; and • Breathing exercises
Our yoga practices may be able to keep your body and spine aligned, which may help to free and balance the flow of your body’s chakra energy.
• Relax your mind • Reduce stress; and • Increase your energy levels
Yoga helps to activate the seven chakras through the use of specific yoga poses and meditations.
The poses and meditations you will use to awaken your chakras vary depending on the chakra.
If you would like to learn more about chakras and yoga, Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi would love to help.
Gain insights and methods to help you balance your chakra energy. Learn how strong chakras contribute to your overall wellness.
• Accountability • Encouragement; and • Camaraderie
… as you learn a holistic approach to your well-being and health.
Join us today to get a private introductory session and let one of our expert team members help you make a plan to achieve your health goals.